A. Inventions

See also the Gallery.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z



A Summer Place, Theme From   5
Accidentals (musical)   2, 9
Acidity   38
          for deterrence   68
          for shaping food   6
          spurious application of   33
                    see also sound
Acts of God
   29, 46
          electric vehicles, and   64
          miscellaneous   58
Aerosmith   54
Affordances   23
Air quality   27, 36, 46
Air travel
          runway incursions   7
          Lindbergh Field, incident at   61
Alfred Lord Tennyson (calf)   59
Allegories   16, 17, 40, 49, 60, 69
Aluminum   34, 36, 40, 50, 55, 56, 58, 61, 62, 63
Alphabets   62, 69
American Fur Company   35
Anagrams   17, 63
Anderthalb (instrument)   53
Animal welfare
          Hund-Störer   6
          knockknobblers   29
          rat catchers   29
          sonic deterrents   68
Andes   13
Anti-Gaulinites   55
          Bronze Age   24
          Greece, Classical   34, 67
          Neoclassicism   24
          and Romanticism   33
          Shang dynasty   24
                    see also medievalism
Apherus, the ferryboat captain (constellation)   67
Apocalypse, Four Horsemen of    56
          neckties, coloration of   7
          seamstresses, typewriters for   29
Archicembalo  9
          Larkin Administration Building   66
          Woolworth Building   12
Aristotle   4
Army Signal Corps, United States   7
Arpòdigon (keyed pipe harp)   18
Art of Noises, The   63
Artificial heart   59
Ash (wood)   2, 31, 68
Assaying machines   35
Astor, John Jacob   35
Astrology, reform of   67
          Mars, secret messages from   62
          Merchant Shipping Act of 1864   67
          nasa   3
          Neptune, discovery of   67
          Planet Suite (Buxtehude)   2
          Standard Time Act of 1918   25
          time zones   25
          Uranus, discovery of   67
                    see also space, ufo cults
Audio tape
          as cryptographic medium   10
          as recording medium   28
Austria   2, 70
Autochandler   7
Automobiles   8, 23, 58, 64
Automated muselar   2
Away in a Manger, versions of   18



Bach, Johann Sebastian   26
Baden-Powell, Agnes   11
Baden-Powell, Robert   11
Bakelite   4, 32, 4851, 52
Baldwin, James   6
Ballistics   45, 63
Balsa wood   7
Barn door effect   43
Bats   68
Batteries   41, 58, 64
Beech (wood)   26, 42
Beekeeping   11
          ceremonial ringing of   4
          domestic customs regarding   24
          morbid fear of   31
Berlin   6
Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz   54
Big Red’   3
Biomass   5
Birds   7, 31
Blacksmiths and Trappers War of 1860   35
Board games   38
Bores   29, 68
Boston, Massachusetts   33, 57
Boxwood   2, 47, 54
          material   13, 14, 15, 31, 33, 35, 42, 49, 51, 52, 57, 70
          morbid fear of   31
Brewer, Justice David J.   69
Bronze   39
Brotherhood of the Seven Rays   62
Brougham (carriage)   23
Buckboard wagon   23
Buxtehude, Dieterich   2



Cadmium sulfide   36
Caesar, Julius   65
Calcium carbonate deposit   8
          end date of universe, calculated   56
          formatting of dates   56
          Gregorian and Julian  65
          missing days from 1582 and 1752   65
          Standard Time Act of 1918   25
California   5, 40, 43, 56
Calling cards   15, 45
Cameras   34, 40
Candles   7
Carabiners   50
Carbon composite   50
Carbon dating   56
Cardboard   5, 7
Carnegie, Andrew   69
Carriage bridles   23
Cassette tapes   28
Catalogs   11
Catchpoles   29
Celadon   24
Celestial Benevolence Welcome Center   62
Celluloid (material)   7, 8, 13, 18, 24, 43
Century bells   30
Ceramics   8, 24, 27, 38, 41
Chainmail   19
Chalceia   20
Charles III, King of Spain   39
Cheap Trick (band)   54
          barium titanate   38
          cadmium sulfide   36
          calcium carbonate   8
          cobalt oxide   1
          cobalt sulfate   36
          mercury sulfide   36
          polyethylene   7, 10, 34
          polyphenylene Sulfide   16
          sodium bicarbonate   19
          sodium sulfate   36
          sulfur dioxide   36
          trinitrotoluene   9
                    see also plastics
Chiang Kai-Shek   38
Chladni, Ernst   6
Christ, Jesus   39
          music   18
          trees   20
Chromatic telegraph   7
          musical   2, 9, 42, 70
          visual   7
Circum Musicis   70
Civil Rights Act (1964)   52
Clarion (planet)   62
Clavichordi sex partes   70
Clavicordium circularis   42
Clay   13
Click track   28
Clocks   31
Cloth   1, 39
Cobalt oxide   1
Cobalt sulfate   36
Codes   10, 12, 57
Codex   1
Codicils   4
          houses   6
          scales   44
          wholesalers, typewriters for   29
          assaying   35
          for machine operation   3
Cold War   10, 34, 44, 56, 61
          atmospheric   36
          candles   7
          cocktail umbrellas   7
          crayons   7
          heavy metal pigmentation   36
          incorrect identification of    61
          military transmission of   7
          minerals   13
          neckties   7
          plumage   7
          political associations using   52
          prosthetic eyes   7
          religious symbolism   39
          representational   5
          ribbon    7
          smoke   7
          yellow, morbid fear of   31
Color offset exchange market   36
Colt, Samuel   45
Commedia dell’arte   53
Commerce   38, 64
Communications systems
          psychic   62
          wired   24
          wireless   7
Communist Manifesto, The   44
Compact Disc   28
          air   19
          audio   28
          barometric   46
          of information   10
          of tires   46
          Bach, Johann Sebastian   26
          Buxtehude, Dieterich   2
          Couperin, François   2
          des Prez, Josquin   70
          Haydn, Franz Joseph   53
          Haydn, Michael   53
          Korngold, Erich   18
          Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus   53
          Nielsen, Rick   54
          Russolo, Luigi   63
          Sainte-Colombe, M. de   2
          Steiner, Max   18
Concrete   56
          Blacksmiths and Trappers War   35
          Cold War   10, 34, 44, 56, 61
          First Opium War   49
          Siege of Turkish Adrianople   63
          World War II   34, 48
                    see also rivalries
Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage   52
Connecticut   45
Consultants   69
Contraguitar   54
Copper   24, 35, 38, 42, 45, 47, 56, 57
Cornwall, England   24
Coromandel   13
Cosmology   62
Couperin, François   2
Cosmic Circle of Fellowship   62
Courtship rituals
          calling cards and   15
          creepy   11
          symbolic tokens in   22
Crayons   7
Cross-dissolve effect   43
Croupiers   29
Cryptography   10
Cube Power   66
Cuckoo clocks   31
Cycling   50
Cyrillic Alphabet   62, 69
Czech Republic   47



Daguerrotypists   29
Damariscotta River Estuary   8
Decalcomania   15
Dee, John   62
Dehomogenization   55
Denmark   68
Depth perception   39
Derailleurs   50
Des Prez, Josquin   70
Desk accessories   45
Dewey, Melvil   69
Dictionaries   29, 69
Dioramas   5
Disasters at sea   29
Doomsday prophecies    56
Doppia spinetta   26
Dragon lyre   47
Droste Effect   56
Duck (fabric)   18
Dutch Air Machines   27



Easter   65
Ebony   53, 54, 70
Echolocation in humans   4
          board games and   38
          public system, rise of   18
Elam’s Ending-State Energy System   37
Elantra, the chariot (constellation)   67
          alternating current, opposition to   55
          batteries, 18th century   41
          bells, implication for   24
          electric vehicles   64
          generation of   5
          necrotic tissue, stimulation with   17
          public call boxes   57
          in England   24
          in the United States   64
Electrolytes   50
Electroplating   19
Elevators   12
Elm   31
          and neckties   7
          steganographic uses of   10
Emerson, Harrington   69
Endurance, human   4
England   1, 19, 24, 48, 49, 67
          Anglicanism, challenges to   67
          colonialism   49
          estate system, dissolution of   24
          labor, mobility of, 19th century   24
          linguistic purity movement   67
          men’s suffrage movement   67
Equal Pay Act (1963)   52
Erys, the murderess (constellation)   67
Eschatons   56
Espionage   10, 46, 61
Etiquette   15
Exquisite Corpse’   63
          ophthalmology, typewriters for   29
          prosthetic, colors of   7



Fair Labor Standards Act   52
Fair Pay Act (1994)   52
Fairbanks, Alaska   32
Famine   27
Fascism   63
          for potato chip bags   51, 52
          T-seal   32
Federal Bureau of Investigation    61
          audio tracks   10
          editing   43
          foley work   40
          stock   40
          transition machines   43
          alarms   57
          Great Fire of 1842 (Hamburg)   41
          engines, steering of   23
Firearms   45
First Opium War   49
Five senses   4
          cocktails   7
          fondant   6
          glögg   50
          low-sodium diets   36
          meringue   6
          milk, homogenization of   55
          pastry dough   6
          potato chips   51, 52
          seltzer   19
          shaping of   6
          wartime rationing   48
Footfalls   40
Folk music   9
Fort Benning   25
Four-in-hand (vehicle)   23
Four Sonatas for Violin and Viola (Haydn)   53
France   11, 50, 54
Fringe movements
          alternating current, opposition to   55
          milk, dehomogenization of   55
          doomsday prophecies    56
                    see also ufo cults
Froggy’   3
Freshness dating   51
Fruitwood   2, 9, 65
Fugenmaschine   70
Fusion power   5
Futurism   63
Fyr, the winged boar (constellation)   67



Galalith (material)   1
Galen of Pergamon   27
          board games   38
          poker   10
          treasure hunt   49
                    see also sports
          as fuel   64
          gaslight   13
          hazardous   46
          pressurized   19
Gasogene   19
Gaulin, August   55
Gender pay gap   52
Geothermal power   5
Germany   3, 6, 20, 31
Gibson A14 (ticket machine)   3
Gifts   22, 39
Gilbert, Cass (architect)   12
Girl Scouts   11
Gittern   47
          borosilicate   17, 37
          Bohemian vs. Venetian   39
          capsule   41
          chromatic impurities in   39
          display cases   51, 64
          harmonicas, maker of   35
          indicator windows   3, 24, 44, 48, 56
          keys   1, 3
          mercury glass   13
          optical   14, 16, 34, 43
          tubing   62
Glögg   50
Godzilla   46
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von   6
Gold   45, 49, 69
Golgotha   13
Goncalo-alves (wood)   67
Gothic Revival   12
Gralddur, the gatekeeper (constellation)   67
Grant, Ulysses S.   30
Great Fire of 1842 (Hamburg)   41
Gregorian calendar   65
Gregory XIII, Pope   65
Gutta-percha   1, 4, 41



Haenir, the stag (constellation)   67
Haenox, the grasshopper (constellation)   67
Harpsichord   2
Haydn, Franz Joseph   53
Haydn, Michael   53
Hearing   4, 6
          artificial   59
          machines shaped like   60
Heltraum, the logger (constellation)   67
Hephæstus   20
Hexagons   11
Historical idiom
          see antiquity, medievalism
Hitchcock, Alfred   40
Hoaxes   8, 13, 49, 63
          Chalceia   20
          Christmas   18, 20
          Easter   65
          National Wheel Week   42
          New Year’s Day   25, 26, 30, 70
          New Year’s Eve   25, 30
          Valentine’s Day   59, 60
Holy Roman Empire   2
Hong Kong   49
Hooke’s Room-Ring System   24
          in prophesy    56
          material   2, 33
          musical instrument   33
Hornbostel-Sachs classification   47
          horsehair, as material   13
          horsemen, of Apocalypse    56
          ‘Horsey Horseless,’ daftness of   23
Humidity   4, 46
Hund-Störer   6
Hungarian (language)    61
Hunger   4
Hurdy-gurdy   9, 70
Hydroelectric power   5
Hydrogen maser oscillation   56
Hyphus and Vestra, the dancers (constellation)   67



iatse   40
Ice skating   10
          of air   27, 36, 46
          of glass   39
          of language   67
          of water   46
Infatuation   4, 11
          calling cards, and   15
          dried, as a material   13
          for tattoos   10
Instruments (musical)
          archicembalo   9
          arpòdigon (keyed pipe harp)   18
          circum musicis   70
          clavichordi sex partes   70
          clavicordium circularis   42
          contraguitar   54
          doppia spinetta   26
          dragon lyre   47
          fugenmaschine   70
          gittern   47
          glass harmonica   35
          gramophone   18
          guitar   54
          harpsichord   2
          hurdy-gurdy   9, 70
          intertonos   70
          intonarumori   63
          muselar   2
          Musikalischer Wunderschrank   33
          pipe organ   33
          polyharmonia   26, 70
          quarter muselar   26
          omnisymphonium   9, 70
          orchestralon   26, 70
          recorder   26
          rotae exitium   26
          synthesizer   9, 33, 70
          tres-sonos   9, 70
          TX-8   28
          vihuela   47
          viola da gamba   26
          viola della cooperazione   54
          virginal   2
          vocoder   28
          zither   18
Instruments (optical)   14, 16, 34, 39, 43
          artificial   16, 17, 40, 60
          declassified   10, 61
          extra-terrestrial   62, 66
Intertonos   70
Intonarumori   63
Ireland, Ward Stone   69
Iron   1, 6, 12, 35, 39, 57, 60
Italy   63
Ivory   2, 9, 1322



Jacquard machine   7
Japan   28, 36, 64
Johnson, Dr. Samuel   29
Jongleurs   33
Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor   2, 9, 26, 42, 70
Journal of Artificial Organs   59
Juicero   32
Julian calendar   65
Jutland   68



Kermit, Texas   25
          color   7
          musical   2, 9, 26, 33, 42
          mother-of-pearl  18
          ‘qwerty’ layout   1
          unorthodox layouts   4, 9
Keyed pipe harp   18
Khrushchev, Nikita   44
          appliances   32, 58
          Debate (1956)   44
Korngold, Erich   18
Kraken   46



          fair pay   52
          mobility of, in 19th century England   24
          measurements, disputes surrounding    35
          Women’s Social and Political Union   52
          and gilding   18, 47
          japanning   3
          vernis martin   9
Landells, Ebenezer (publisher)   49
          and pedagogy   18
          reform movements   67, 69
          translation errors   44, 61
Larkin Administration Building   66
Latin (language)   12
Lead (metal)   56
Law enforcement
          catchpoles   29
          Federal Bureau of Investigation    61
          police band radio   46
Legal proceedings
          Forgách v. Mirvins   40
          iatse v. Koenig   40
          Mayhew and Landells, avoidance of   49
          United States v. Boyd Jephson   62
          British Museum Act of 1839   49
          Civil Rights Act (1964)   52
          Equal Pay Act (1963)   52
          Fair Labor Standards Act   52
          Fair Pay Act (1994)   52
          Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009)   52
          London Sky Signs Act of 1891   67
          Merchant Shipping Act of 1864   67
          Paycheck Fairness Act (1997)   52
          Standard Time Act of 1918   25
Leipziger Straßenbahn   3
Leyden Jars   41
Liebchen model 552   1
          capturing of   34
          polarization, sensitivity to   4
Lighthouse keepers   29
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009)   52
Linen   1
Liver of Sulfur   23
London   19, 22, 34
London Sky Signs Act of 1891   67
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth   21
Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts and Green   29
Lord of the Rings, The   62
Los Angeles   5, 40
Louis XIV   24
Lyon   11



M’ (pseudonym)   4
          human sensitivity to   4
          in illusion   13
          and perpetual motion   37
Mahogany   2, 26, 67
Maine   8
Manchester, England   48
Mansplaining   68
Maple (wood)   18, 30, 53, 54, 68, 70
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso   63
Mars, communication with   62
Mary, Virgin   39
Mathematics   11, 38, 56
Mayhew, Henry (publisher)   49
Mechanical snowflakes   21
Médaillons-Secrets   22
          Gothic Revival movement   12
          Lord of the Rings, The   62
          musical traditions   33, 47
          Old Norse religion   67
                    see also antiquity
Medium density fiberboard (mdf)   5
Mein Gott, er ist ganz Daumen! (Bach)   42
Mentalists   29
Merchant Shipping Act of 1864   67
Mercia, Kingdom of   13
Mercury sulfide   36
Meringue   6
Metre Convention of 1875   35
Microdots   10
Milk   55
Minnesota Territory   35
          illusions, use in   13
          morbid fear of   31
Mississippi   3
Model 3A’   3
Model 5A’   3
Model P’   1
Mollusks   8
Moravia, Margraviate of   47
More, Sir Thomas   62
Mormonism   62
Morris, William   67
          domestication of   34
          ‘Mosquito tone’   68
Motets   70
Moth, Greater Wax   68
Mother-of-pearl   18
          Andes   13
          Mont Blanc Massif   50
          Olympus   20
Mouse (animal)   68
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus   53
          Esserscope   14
          radio/popcorn synchrony   14
          taxiscope   34
          Children’s Museum of Los Angeles   5
          Imperial Lard Museum   48
          Museum of Fairbanks Food Sciences   32
Muselar   2
Musical compositions
          A Summer Place, Theme From   5
          Anderthalb, compositions for   53
          Away in a Manger, versions of   18
          Four Sonatas for Violin and Viola (Haydn)   53
          Mein Gott, er ist ganz Daumen! (Bach)   42
          Mille regretz (des Prez)   70
          Missa De dadi (des Prez)   70
          New Year’s Cantata (Bach)   26
          Planet Suite (Buxtehude)   2
          String Duo No. 2 in B♭ Major for Violin and Viola (Mozart)   53
Musick-Cabinet   33



          opium   4
          peyote   13
nasa   3
National Preservative Pipeline   48
Nebraska Territory   35
Necromancy   17, 38
Neoclassicism   24
Neon   17, 37, 62
Neptune, discovery of   67
Netherlands   27, 41
New Jersey   4, 7, 17
New Year’s Devices   25
New Year’s Cantata by Bach   26
New York   12, 18, 29, 46, 66
Nickel   7, 12, 14, 16, 17, 28, 30, 34, 37, 50, 58, 63, 69
Nielsen, Rick   54
Nile, expeditions to   34
Nikolaevskaya Railway   3
Nixon, Richard M.   44
Notation Standard du Plumage (nsp)   7
nsa   10
Nuclear power
          and Soviet Union   56
          for electricity generation   5
          Three-Mile Island reactor   5
Nylon   50



Oak   9, 33, 42, 65
Oenus, the manticore (constellation)   67
Oil Crisis of 1979   5
Olympics, 1960 Winter   10
omega radio system   25
Omnisymphonium   9
          addiction   4
          First Opium War   49
Optical instruments   14, 16, 34, 39, 43
Orchestralon   26
Oregon Territory   35
          artificial   59
          musical   33
Orientalism   34, 69
Ornithology   7
Orthographic Reform   62, 69
Outhouses, discoveries in   47
Oxford, University of   11
Oyster farming   8
Ozokerite wax    13



          catalog   11
          continuous   1, 57
          fan-fold   10
          giftwrap   7
          packaging   32
          parts   5, 63
          paperweights   45
          papier-mâché   13
          phenolic   38
          tape   1, 57
          wax   51
Pastry dough   6
          Cleland, ‘Century Bells’   30
          Colt, ‘Patent Office Equipment’   45
          Fresh-Topp Electric Smelting Co.   32
          Gaulin, homogenization of milk   55
          Melsbach, ‘Herz Maschinen’   60
          Nansensu, ‘TX-8 Audio Processor’   28
          Smith, ‘Horsey Horseless’   23
          Swaine-Underhay, ‘Calling Card Blotting Press’   15
          Tunnicliffe, ‘Patent Great Northern’   1
          arabesque   39
          produced using sound   6
          secret messages in   12
Paycheck Fairness Act (1997)   52
Peacemaker’   3
Pedagogy   18, 38
Pencil   11
Perpetual motion   37
Persistence   4
Pewter   12, 45
Phoenix-7   59
          musical   18, 33
          transportation   48
Phenix City, Alabama   25
Philco (company)   32
Phlebotomy   29
          bee stings   9
          cuckoo clock therapy   31
Piatti, Ugo   63
Pine   13
Pittsburgh   32
          Clarion   62
          Mars   62
          Neptune   67
          Uranus   67
Planet Suite (Buxtehude)   2
Plaster   7, 13, 49
Plastics   3, 14
          acrylic   38, 40, 66
          abs (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)   7, 10, 34, 68
          dehp (Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate   50
          pen (polyethylene naphthalate)   58
          polycarbonate   36, 64
          polyethylene   7, 10, 34
          polyphenylene sulfide   16
          polypropylene   61, 66
          polystyrene   38
          tpu (thermoplastic polyurethane)   58
Poetry   21
Poker chips   10
Polarized light, sensitivity to   4
Pollution   36
polvad   59
Polyester   37
Polyharmonia   26, 70
Polyphony (musical)   933
Poplar   2
Porcelain   8, 24, 60
Porpoise, Harbor   68
Portugal   69
Powell, Baden   11
Priestley, Joseph   19
Printers and printing
          dot-matrix   10
          printing telegraphs   1
          ribbons, of   7
          stereoscopic printing press   39
          ticket-printing systems   3
Proprioception   4
Prostitution   4
Psychics   4, 62
Psychology   31, 38
Public Broadcasting System   5
Public transportation   3
Punch magazine   49
Punctuation   30
          of air   27, 36, 46
          of glass   39
          of language   67
          of water   46
Pyramid Power   66



Quakers   30
Quantum physics   14
Quarter muselar   26
qwerty keyboard layout   1



Rademacher, Leopoldus   2, 9, 26, 42, 70
          decay   56
          detection   46
          conelrad   46
          omega radio system   25
          Philco (company)   32
          police band   46
          synchronized with popcorn   14
          collisions   25
          efficiency of   69
          gandy dancers   29
          Nikolaevskaya Railway   3
          signalmen   29
          ticket-printing systems   3
          of explosives   19
          of marmalade   48
Recorder (instrument)   26
Remington (typewriter maker)   29
Religious movements
          Third Great Awakening   30
          Tractarianism   67
Revelation, Book of    56
Rhode Island   30
Ribbon   1, 7
Ringtones   68
Rivalries   53, 68
Rock climbing   50
Romanov’   3
Romanticism   33
Roosevelt, Teddy   69
Rotae exitium   26
Royal Air Force   34
Royal Hussars   47
Royal Palace, Madrid   39
Rubber   37, 44
Rulers (leaders)
          of cults   62
          emperors   2, 9, 26, 42, 70
          heads of state   30, 35, 44, 67
          monarchs   24, 39, 66
          religious   65
Rulers (measuring devices)   10, 11
Russia   3, 10
Russolo, Luigi   63
Rydberg Constant   56



Sachs-Hornbostel classification
          see hornbostel-sachs classification
Sackbut   33
          fire alarm systems   57
          monitoring systems   46
Sainte-Colombe, M. de   2
Salzburg   70
San Diego, California    61
Sanskrit   62
Satan, imprisonment of    56
Satinwood   67
Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Duke of   31
          musical   2, 9, 42, 70
          vernier   44
Scent   10
          Chladni, Ernst   6
          Dee, John   62
          Gaulin, August   55
          Powell, Baden   11
          Priestley, Joseph   19
          Wigner, Eugene   14
Schultheiss-Bleier process   6
Scudder, Laura   51, 52
          Spring   65
          Summer   27, 31
          Winter   10, 20, 21
Seltzer makers   19
Seltzogene   19
Sexual orientation   15
Sexy baby voice   68
Shaw, George Bernard   62
Shorthand   69
Siege of Turkish Adrianople   63
Silversmithing   22
Shang dynasty   24
Shell companies   8
Skaldyr, the spiny lobster (constellation)   67
Skeumorphism   23
Skywriting   7
          Aero   54
          Black   35
          Corona   29
          Silver   22
          Uriah   23
Smoke, color of   7
Snack-O-Matic   32
Snowflakes   21
Sodalite (mineral)   13
Sodium sulfate   36
Soames, Olave   11
Soap   10
Sodium bicarbonate   19
Solar power   5
Soul, human   17
          audio processing   28
          as cryptographic medium   10
          foley work   40
          high-frequency   6
          Noises, The Art of   63
          timbre   9, 70
          tonality   4, 9, 42, 70
          visual patterns created by   6
          volume control   58
          in worship   30
                    see also audio
Soviet Union   10, 34, 44, 56, 61
          Clarion (planet), messages from   62
          Mars, communication with   62
          space tourism   3
                    see also astronomy, ufo cults
Spain   39
Spelling reform   69
Spice trade   38
Spiritualism   12, 13, 29, 38
Sports, winter
          ice skating   10
          Olympics, 1960 Winter   10
          skiing, snowboarding   50, 58
                    see also games
          for bag clips   51, 52
          for quick-ejection systems   45
          for staff call bells   24
          for wheel mechanisms   57
Spruce   47, 53, 54
Staff call bells   24
Standard Plumage Notation   7
Standard Time Act of 1918   25
Steel   3, 10, 15, 16, 17, 31, 34, 35, 36, 39, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 69, 70
Steganography   10
Steiner, Max   18
Stennis Space Center   3
Stenography   69
Stereoscopy   39
String Duo No. 2 in B♭ Major for Violin and Viola (Mozart)   53
Stuttgart   3, 6
          men’s, in Great Britain   67
          women’s, in United States   52
          dioxide   36
          liver of   23
Superposition, theory of   14
Swap machines   64
Sweden   16
Switzerland   53
          in courtship   11
          divine symbology of the c.b.w.c.   62
          undecipherability of   4



          audio   10, 28
          cassette   10, 28
          paper   1, 57
Tartaric acid   19
Tattoos   10
Taxiscope   34
          color   7
          and fire alerts   57
          ‘good fist’   12
          printing  1
Television   5
Temperature  4, 27, 46
Thirst   4
3-d movies   39
Three-Mile Island nuclear reactor   5
Ticket Machines   3
          calendars, misalignment of   65
          distant future, events in the   4
          end of universe, calculated   56
          formatting of dates   56
          machines   13
          Merchant Shipping Act of 1864   67
          missing days from 1582 and 1752   65
          response times and fire alarms   57
          Standard Time Act of 1918   25
          zones   25
Times of London   11
Tin   1, 13, 24, 25, 41, 55, 60
Tissue, necrotic   17
Tortoiseshell   26
tnt   19
Traege, the beetle (constellation)   67
Transcendentalism   4
Travel   34
Treasure hunting   49
Tres-sonos   9, 70
Tungsten   56
Tutankhamun   66
Twain, Mark   69
Twelve-tone scale  9
Twilight Zone, The   61, 62
Tyler, John (US president)   35
Tympanic membrane   4
Typewriters   1, 8, 29, 69
Typhus   27



u-2 (spy plane)   61
ufo Cults
          Brotherhood of the Seven Rays   62
          Celestial Benevolence Welcome Center   62
          Cosmic Circle of Fellowship   62
          Pyramid Power   66
Umbrellas, cocktail   7
United Fruit Company   35
Units of measure
          for sentencing demons   56
          disputes surrounding   35, 56, 65
          Droste Effect   56
          for firehouses   57
          ounces   44
          for precious metals   35, 65
          metre, definition of   35
          for real estate   65
          seconds    56
Upanishads   62
Uppsala, Sweden   16
Upspeak   68
Uranus, discovery of   67



          seals   32, 44
          tubes   61
Vending machines   64
Venice   39
Vihuela   47
Viola da gamba   26
Viola della cooperazione   54
Virginal (instrument)   2
Vitali, Giovanni Battista   54
Voboam, Alexandre   54
Vocal fry   68
Vocoder   28
          actors   40
          digital processing   28
          sexy baby-like   68
          in six parts   70
          vocal fry   68
Volcanic eruptions   27, 46



Walnut (wood)   26, 31, 33, 35, 42, 45
Wartime rationing meters   48
Washington, dc   10
w. c. of g. h. m. of p. & o.   35
Weather   46
wgbh/Boston   5
Whalebone   9
          musical instruments, shaped like   42
          National Wheel Week   42
          spring-loaded   57
          steering mechanisms   23
Wigner, Eugene   14
Wind power   5
Women’s Social and Political Union   52
Woolworth Building
World War II   34, 48
Wright, Frank Lloyd   66
          Baldwin, James   6
          Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von   6
          Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth   21
          Shaw, George Bernard   62
Wunderschrank   33



Xanadu   13



Yakovlev, Zenaida (speed skater)   10



Zinc   34, 37, 55
Zodiac signs   67
ZZ Top   54


The objects in the Apocryphal Inventions series are technical chimeras, intentional misdirections coaxed from the generative AI platform Midjourney. Instead of iterating on the system’s early drafts to create ever more accurate renderings of real-world objects, creator Jonathan Hoefler subverted the system to refine and intensify its most intriguing misunderstandings, pushing the software to create beguiling, aestheticized nonsense. Some images have been retouched to make them more plausible; others have been left intact, appearing exactly as generated by the software. The accompanying descriptions, written by the author, offer fictitious backstories rooted in historical fact, which suggest how each of these inventions might have come to be.

These images represent some of AI’s most intriguing answers to confounding questions — an inversion of the more urgent debate, in which it is humanity that must confront the difficult and existential questions posed by artificial intelligence.